Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234567]
 CActionHistoryTreeActionHistoryTree is a wrapper for ActionHistory
 CAlphaVectorAlphaVector represent an alpha vector used in POMDP solving
 CAlphaVectorPruningAlphaVectorPruning reduces sets of alpha vectors to their parsimonious representation via LP-based pruning
 CArgumentHandlers::ArgumentsArguments contains all defined parameters to be set on the command line
 CBayesianGameForDecPOMDPStageInterfaceBayesianGameForDecPOMDPStageInterface is a class that represents the base class for all Bayesian games that are used to represent a stage of a Dec-POMDP (e.g., in GMAA*)
 CBayesianGameIdenticalPayoffSolverBayesianGameIdenticalPayoffSolver is an interface for solvers for Bayesian games with identical payoff
 CBeliefInterfaceBeliefInterface is an interface for beliefs, i.e., probability distributions over the state space
 CBeliefIteratorGenericBeliefIteratorGeneric is an iterator for beliefs
 CBeliefIteratorInterfaceBeliefIteratorInterface is an interface for iterators over beliefs
 CBeliefSetNonStationaryBeliefSetNonStationary represents a non-stationary belief set
 CBG_FactorGraphCreatorBG_FactorGraphCreator will create a FG from a BG
 CBGforStageCreationBGforStageCreation is a class that provides some functions to aid the construction of Bayesian games for a stage of a Dec-POMDP
 CBGIP_BnB_NodeBGIP_BnB_Node represents a node in the search tree of BGIP_SolverBranchAndBound
 CBGIP_SolverCreatorInterfaceBGIP_SolverCreatorInterface is an interface for classes that create BGIP solvers
 CBGIPSolutionBGIPSolution represents a solution for BayesianGameIdenticalPayoff
 CCompareVec< T >
 CCPDDiscreteInterfaceCPDDiscreteInterface is an abstract base class that represents a conditional probability distribution $ Pr(x|y) $
 CDPOMDPFormatParsing::ParserDPOMDPFormat_Spirit::DecPOMDPFileParser::definition< ScannerT >
 CPOMDPFormatParsing::ParserPOMDPFormat_Spirit::POMDPFileParser::definition< ScannerT >
 CDiscreteEntityDiscreteEntity is a general class for tracking discrete entities
 CEE is a class that represents a basic exception
 CFactoredQFunctionScopeForStageFactoredQFunctionScopeForStage represents a Scope for one stage of a factored QFunction
 CFactoredStateAOHDistributionFactoredStateAOHDistribution is a class that represents a factored probability distribution over both states and action-observation histories
 CFixedCapacityPriorityQueue< T, _Compare >FixedCapacityPriorityQueue is a class that represents a priority queue with a fixed size
 CFixedCapacityPriorityQueue< boost::shared_ptr< JPPVValuePair > >
 CFixedCapacityPriorityQueue< boost::shared_ptr< PartialJPDPValuePair > >
 CHistoryHistory is a general class for histories
 CInterface_ProblemToPolicyDiscreteInterface_ProblemToPolicyDiscrete is an interface from discrete problems to policies
 CJointActionJointAction represents a joint action
 CJointActionHistoryTreeJointActionHistoryTree is a wrapper for JointActionHistory
 CJointObservationJointObservation is represents joint observations
 CJointPolicyJointPolicy is a class that represents a joint policy
 CJPolComponent_VectorImplementationJPolComponent_VectorImplementation implements functionality common to several joint policy implementations
 Cstd::less< BGIP_BnB_Node * >Overload the less<Type> template for BGIP_BnB_Node* (we want less to give an ordering according to values, not addresses...)
 Cstd::less< BGIP_BnB_NodePtr >
 Cstd::less< boost::shared_ptr< JPPVValuePair > >
 Cstd::less< boost::shared_ptr< PartialJointPolicyValuePair > >
 Cstd::less< JointPolicyValuePair * >Overload the less<Type> template for JointPolicyValuePair* (we want less to give an ordering according to values, not addresses...)
 Cstd::less< JointPolicyValuePair_sharedPtr >
 Cstd::less< JPPVValuePair * >Overload the less<Type> template for JPolValuePair* (we want less to give an ordering according to values, not addresses...)
 Cstd::less< PartialJointPolicyValuePair * >Overload the less<Type> template for PartialJointPolicyValuePair* (we want less to give an ordering according to values, not addresses...)
 Cstd::less< PartialJPDPValuePair * >Overload the less<Type> template for JPolValPair* (we want less to give an ordering according to values, not addresses...)
 Cstd::less< PartialJPDPValuePair_sharedPtr >
 CLocalBGValueFunctionInterfaceLocalBGValueFunctionInterface is a class that represents a local CGBG payoff function
 CMADPComponentDiscreteActionsMADPComponentDiscreteActions contains functionality for discrete action spaces
 CMADPComponentDiscreteObservationsMADPComponentDiscreteObservations contains functionality for discrete observation spaces
 CMADPComponentDiscreteStatesMADPComponentDiscreteStates is a class that represents a discrete state space
 CMADPComponentFactoredStatesMADPComponentFactoredStates is a class that represents a factored states space
 CMADPDiscreteStatisticsMADPDiscreteStatistics is a class that represents an object that can compute some statistics for a MADP Discrete
 CMADPParserMADPParser is a general class for parsers in MADP
 CMaxPlusSolverMaxPlusSolver is the base class for Max Plus methods, it stores the parameters
 CMDPSolverMDPSolver is an interface for MDP solvers
 CMultiAgentDecisionProcessInterfaceMultiAgentDecisionProcessInterface is an abstract base class that declares the primary properties of a multiagent decision process
 CNamedDescribedEntityNamedDescribedEntity represents named entities
 CObservationModelObservationModel represents the observation model in a decision process
 CMultiAgentDecisionProcessDiscreteFactoredStates::ObservationProbFunctorThis is the base class for functors that return the observation probability for a given (s,a,s',o) tuple
 COGetOGet can be used for direct access to the observation model
 COnlineMDPPlannerOnlineMDPPlanner provides an abstract base class for online MDP planners
 COptimalValueDatabaseOptimalValueDatabase provides values of optimal policies for problems, so to be used for verification purposes
 CParserInterfaceParserInterface is an interface for parsers
 CPartialJointPolicyPartialJointPolicy represents a joint policy that is only specified for t time steps instead of for every time step
 CPartialPolicyPoolInterfacePartialPolicyPoolInterface is an interface for PolicyPools containing Partial Joint Policies
 CPartialPolicyPoolItemInterfacePartialPolicyPoolItemInterface is a class that gives the interface for a PolicyPoolItem
 CPDDiscreteInterfacePDDiscreteInterface is an abstract base class that represents a joint probability distribution $ Pr(x_1,\dots,x_k ) $
 CPlanningUnitPlanningUnit represents a planning unit, i.e., a planning algorithm
 CPlanningUnitMADPDiscreteParametersPlanningUnitMADPDiscreteParameters stores parameters of PlanningUnitMADPDiscrete
 CPolicyPolicy is a class that represents a policy for a single agent
 CPolicyPoolInterfacePolicyPoolInterface is an interface for PolicyPools containing fully defined Joint Policies
 CPolicyPoolItemInterfacePolicyPoolItemInterface is a class that gives the interface for a PolicyPoolItem
 CQFunctionInterfaceQFunctionInterface is an abstract class for all Q-Functions
 CQTableInterfaceQTableInterface is the abstract base class for Q(., a) functions
 CRewardModelTOISparseRewardModelTOISparse represents a discrete reward model based on vectors of states and actions
 CRGetRGet can be used for direct access to a reward model
 CMultiAgentDecisionProcessDiscreteFactoredStates::ScopeFunctorThis is the base class for functors that set the scopes of the 2-DBN
 CSimulationSimulation is a class that simulates policies in order to test their control quality
 CSimulationAgentSimulationAgent represents an agent in for class Simulation
 CSimulationResultSimulationResult stores the results from simulating a joint policy, the obtained rewards in particular
 CStateDistributionStateDistribution is an interface for probability distributions over states
 CPOMDPFormatParsing::ParserPOMDPFormat_Spirit::StoreLPActionStores the last-parsed action:
 CTGetTGet can be used for direct access to the transition model
 CTimedAlgorithmTimedAlgorithm allows for easy timekeeping of parts of an algorithm
 CTiming::TimesStores the start and end of a timespan, in clock cycles
 CTimingTiming provides a simple way of timing code
 CTransitionModelTransitionModel represents the transition model in a decision process
 CMultiAgentDecisionProcessDiscreteFactoredStates::TransitionProbFunctorThis is the base class for functors that return the transition probability for a given (s,a,s') tuple
 CTreeNode< Tcontained >TreeNode represents a node in a tree of histories, for instance observation histories
 CTreeNode< ActionObservationHistory >
 CTreeNode< JointActionObservationHistory >
 CTreeNode< JointObservationHistory >
 CTreeNode< ObservationHistory >
 CTwoStageDynamicBayesianNetworkTwoStageDynamicBayesianNetwork (2DBN) is a class that represents the transition and observation model for a factored MADP
 CTypeType is an abstract class that represents a Type (e.g
 CTypeClusterTypeCluster is a class that represents a cluster of Types
 CValueFunctionValueFunction is a class that represents a value function of a joint policy
 CDPOMDPFormatParsing::ParserDPOMDPFormat_Spirit::WildCardJointActionCalled before StoreLPJointAction in case of a wildcard '*' joint action
 CPOMDPFormatParsing::ParserPOMDPFormat_Spirit::WildCardJointActionCalled before StoreLPJointAction in case of a wildcard '*' joint action
 CDPOMDPFormatParsing::ParserDPOMDPFormat_Spirit::WildCardJointObservationCalled before StoreLPJointObservation in case of a wildcard '*' joint action
 CPOMDPFormatParsing::ParserPOMDPFormat_Spirit::WildCardJointObservationCalled before StoreLPJointObservation in case of a wildcard '*' joint action