FactoredDecPOMDPDiscreteInterface Class Referenceabstract

FactoredDecPOMDPDiscreteInterface is the interface for a Dec-POMDP with factored states. More...

#include <FactoredDecPOMDPDiscreteInterface.h>

Inheritance diagram for FactoredDecPOMDPDiscreteInterface:

Public Member Functions

Clone () const =0
 Returns a pointer to a copy of this class. More...
virtual const ScopeGetAgentScopeForLRF (Index LRF) const =0
 Get all the agents in the scope of an LRF. More...
virtual const
GetImmediateRewardScopes () const =0
 Returns all scopes of the immediate reward function in one object. More...
virtual RewardModelGetLRF (Index LRF) const =0
 Returns a pointer to the LRF-th reward model component. More...
virtual double GetLRFReward (Index LRF, Index s_e, Index ja_e) const =0
 Returns reward for LRF, given ja_e - the joint index for a group action for the subset of agents as specified by the agent scope of LRF. More...
virtual double GetLRFReward (Index LRF, const std::vector< Index > &sI_e, const std::vector< Index > &jaI_e) const =0
virtual double GetLRFRewardFlat (Index LRF, Index flat_s, Index full_ja) const =0
 might be necessary? Returns reward for LRF, given a flat state index, and a full joint action. More...
virtual size_t GetNrLRFs () const =0
 Get the number of LRFs in the factored representation. More...
virtual double GetReward (const std::vector< Index > &sIs, const std::vector< Index > &aIs) const =0
virtual const ScopeGetStateFactorScopeForLRF (Index LRF) const =0
 Get all the state factors in the scope of an LRF. More...
virtual void Print () const =0
virtual Index RestrictedActionVectorToJointIndex (Index LRF, const std::vector< Index > &actionVec_e) const =0
 convert an action vector of restricted scope to a joint index a_e. More...
virtual Index RestrictedStateVectorToJointIndex (Index LRF, const std::vector< Index > &stateVec_e) const =0
 Get the vector of Factor indices corresponding to stateI. More...
virtual std::string SoftPrint () const =0
 Prints some information on the MultiAgentDecisionProcessDiscreteInterface. More...
virtual ~FactoredDecPOMDPDiscreteInterface ()
 (default) Constructor More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from DecPOMDPDiscreteInterface
virtual void CreateNewRewardModel ()=0
 Creates a new reward model mapping. More...
virtual double GetReward (Index sI, Index jaI) const =0
 Return the reward for state, joint action indices. More...
virtual RGetGetRGet () const =0
virtual void SetReward (Index sI, Index jaI, double r)=0
 Set the reward for state, joint action indices. More...
virtual void SetReward (Index sI, Index jaI, Index sucSI, double r)=0
 Set the reward for state, joint action , suc. state indices. More...
virtual void SetReward (Index sI, Index jaI, Index sucSI, Index joI, double r)=0
 Set the reward for state, joint action, suc.state, joint obs indices. More...
virtual ~DecPOMDPDiscreteInterface ()
 import the GetReward function from the base class in current scope. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from DecPOMDPInterface
virtual double GetDiscount () const =0
 Returns the discount parameter. More...
virtual double GetReward (State *s, JointAction *ja) const =0
 Function that returns the reward for a state and joint action. More...
virtual reward_t GetRewardType () const =0
 Returns the reward type. More...
virtual void SetDiscount (double d)=0
 Sets the discount parameter to 0 < d <= 1. More...
virtual void SetReward (State *s, JointAction *ja, double r)=0
 Function that sets the reward for a state and joint action. More...
virtual void SetRewardType (reward_t r)=0
 Sets the reward type to reward_t r. More...
virtual ~DecPOMDPInterface ()
 Virtual destructor. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from POSGInterface
virtual double GetDiscountForAgent (Index agentI) const =0
 Returns the discount parameter. More...
virtual double GetRewardForAgent (Index agentI, State *s, JointAction *ja) const =0
 Function that returns the reward for a state and joint action. More...
virtual reward_t GetRewardTypeForAgent (Index agentI) const =0
 Returns the reward type. More...
virtual void SetDiscountForAgent (Index agentI, double d)=0
 Sets the discount parameter to 0 < d <= 1. More...
virtual void SetRewardForAgent (Index agentI, State *s, JointAction *ja, double r)=0
 Function that sets the reward for an agent, state and joint action. More...
virtual void SetRewardTypeForAgent (Index agentI, reward_t r)=0
 Sets the reward type to reward_t r. More...
virtual ~POSGInterface ()
 Virtual destructor. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from MultiAgentDecisionProcessInterface
virtual const ScopeGetAllAgentScope () const =0
virtual size_t GetNrAgents () const =0
 Return the number of agents. More...
virtual std::string GetUnixName () const =0
 Returns the base part of the problem filename. More...
virtual ~MultiAgentDecisionProcessInterface ()
 Destructor. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from MultiAgentDecisionProcessDiscreteInterface
virtual const ActionGetAction (Index agentI, Index a) const =0
 Return a ref to the a-th action of agent agentI. More...
virtual bool GetEventObservability () const
 Whether observation models are P(o|s,a) or P(o|s,a,s'). More...
virtual double GetInitialStateProbability (Index sI) const =0
virtual StateDistributionGetISD () const =0
 Returns the complete initial state distribution. More...
virtual const JointActionGetJointAction (Index i) const =0
 Return a ref to the i-th joint action. More...
virtual const JointObservationGetJointObservation (Index i) const =0
 Return a ref to the i-th joint observation. More...
virtual const std::vector
< size_t > & 
GetNrActions () const =0
 Return the number of actions vector. More...
virtual size_t GetNrActions (Index AgentI) const =0
 Return the number of actions of agent agentI. More...
virtual size_t GetNrJointActions () const =0
 Return the number of joint actions. More...
virtual size_t GetNrJointActions (const Scope &agScope) const =0
 Get the number of joint actions the agents in agScope can form. More...
virtual size_t GetNrJointObservations () const =0
 Return the number of joint observations. More...
virtual const std::vector
< size_t > & 
GetNrObservations () const =0
 Return the number of observations vector. More...
virtual size_t GetNrObservations (Index AgentI) const =0
 Return the number of observations of agent agentI. More...
virtual size_t GetNrStates () const =0
 Return the number of states. More...
virtual const ObservationGetObservation (Index agentI, Index a) const =0
 Return a ref to the a-th observation of agent agentI. More...
virtual const
GetObservationModelDiscretePtr () const =0
 Returns a pointer to the underlying observation model. More...
virtual double GetObservationProbability (Index jaI, Index sucSI, Index joI) const =0
 Return the probability of joint observation joI: P(joI|jaI,sucSI). More...
virtual double GetObservationProbability (Index sI, Index jaI, Index sucSI, Index joI) const
virtual OGetGetOGet () const =0
virtual const StateGetState (Index i) const =0
 Returns a pointer to state i. More...
virtual TGetGetTGet () const =0
virtual const
GetTransitionModelDiscretePtr () const =0
 Returns a pointer to the underlying transition model. More...
virtual double GetTransitionProbability (Index sI, Index jaI, Index sucSI) const =0
 Return the probability of successor state sucSI: P(sucSI|sI,jaI). More...
virtual Index IndividualToJointActionIndices (const Index *AI_ar) const =0
 Returns the joint action index that corresponds to the array of specified individual action indices. More...
virtual Index IndividualToJointActionIndices (const std::vector< Index > &indivActionIndices) const =0
 Returns the joint action index that corresponds to the vector of specified individual action indices. More...
virtual Index IndividualToJointActionIndices (const std::vector< Index > &ja_e, const Scope &agSC) const =0
 indiv->joint for a restricted set (Scope) of agents More...
virtual Index IndividualToJointObservationIndices (const std::vector< Index > &indivObservationIndices) const =0
 Returns the joint observation index that corresponds to the vector of specified individual observation indices. More...
virtual Index IndividualToJointObservationIndices (const std::vector< Index > &jo_e, const Scope &agSC) const
 indiv->joint for a restricted set (Scope) of agents More...
virtual const std::vector
< Index > & 
JointToIndividualActionIndices (Index jaI) const =0
 Returns a vector of indices to indiv. More...
virtual std::vector< IndexJointToIndividualActionIndices (Index ja_e, const Scope &agSC) const =0
 joint->indiv for a restricted set (Scope) of agents More...
virtual const std::vector
< Index > & 
JointToIndividualObservationIndices (Index joI) const =0
 Returns a vector of indices to indiv. More...
virtual std::vector< IndexJointToIndividualObservationIndices (Index jo_e, const Scope &agSC) const
 joint->indiv for a restricted set (Scope) of agents More...
virtual Index JointToRestrictedJointActionIndex (Index jaI, const Scope &agSc_e) const =0
 Converts a global joint action index jaI to a restricted joint action index ja_e, for agents scope agSc_e Returns a vector of indices to indiv. More...
virtual Index JointToRestrictedJointObservationIndex (Index joI, const Scope &agSc_e) const
 Converts a global joint observation index joI to a restricted joint observation index jo_e, for agents scope agSc_e Returns a vector of indices to indiv. More...
virtual Index SampleInitialState () const =0
 Sample a state according to the initial state PDF. More...
virtual Index SampleJointObservation (Index jaI, Index sucI) const =0
 Sample an observation - needed for simulations. More...
virtual Index SampleJointObservation (Index sI, Index jaI, Index sucI) const
virtual Index SampleSuccessorState (Index sI, Index jaI) const =0
 Sample a successor state - needed by simulations. More...
virtual ~MultiAgentDecisionProcessDiscreteInterface ()
 Destructor. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from MultiAgentDecisionProcessDiscreteFactoredStatesInterface
virtual Scope AgentScopeBackup (const Scope &stateScope, const Scope &agentScope) const =0
virtual void CacheFlatModels (bool sparse)
virtual Index FactorValueIndicesToStateIndex (const std::vector< Index > &fv) const =0
 convert std::vector of (indices of) factor values to (flat) state index. More...
virtual Index FactorValueIndicesToStateIndex (const std::vector< Index > &s_e_vec, const Scope &sfSC) const =0
 convert an local state vector s_e_vec of scope sfScope to a joint index. More...
virtual const
Get2DBN () const
 Copy assignment operator. More...
virtual const ScopeGetAllStateFactorScope () const =0
 Convenience function to quickly get the full state scope. More...
virtual const
GetFactoredISD () const =0
virtual size_t GetNrStateFactorInstantiations (const Scope &sfScope) const =0
 Get the number of joint instantiations for the factors in sfScope. More...
virtual size_t GetNrStateFactors () const =0
 Get the number of state components. -no is inherited from. More...
virtual const size_t GetNrValuesForFactor (Index sf) const =0
 Get the number of possible values for a particular factor. More...
virtual const std::vector
< size_t > & 
GetNrValuesPerFactor () const =0
 Get the number of possible assignments or values to each factor. More...
virtual const StateFactorDiscreteGetStateFactorDiscrete (Index sfacI) const =0
virtual void SampleInitialState (std::vector< Index > &sIs) const =0
virtual void SampleJointObservation (const std::vector< Index > &aIs, const std::vector< Index > &sucIs, std::vector< Index > &oIs) const =0
virtual void SampleSuccessorState (const std::vector< Index > &sIs, const std::vector< Index > &aIs, std::vector< Index > &sucIs) const =0
std::string SoftPrintState (Index sI) const
 SoftPrints information on the MultiAgentDecisionProcessDiscrete. More...
virtual Index StateIndexToFactorValueIndex (Index factor, Index s) const =0
 Get the value of a particular state factor given a joint flat state. More...
virtual std::vector< IndexStateIndexToFactorValueIndices (Index stateI) const =0
 Get the vector of FactorValue indices corresponding to stateI used to be called virtual vector<Index> GetStateFactorValues(Index stateI) const. More...
virtual std::vector< IndexStateIndexToFactorValueIndices (Index s_e, const Scope &sfSC) const =0
 convert an local state index s_e to a vector of state factors (with scope sfScope). More...
virtual Scope StateScopeBackup (const Scope &stateScope, const Scope &agentScope) const =0
virtual ~MultiAgentDecisionProcessDiscreteFactoredStatesInterface ()
 (default) Constructor More...

Detailed Description

FactoredDecPOMDPDiscreteInterface is the interface for a Dec-POMDP with factored states.

It declares the get/set reward functions.

FactoredDecPOMDPDiscrete represents a factored DecPOMDPDiscrete FactoredDecPOMDPDiscreteInterface is an interface (i.e. pure abstract class) for a discrete factored DEC-POMDP model. Classes that implement this interface are, for instance, FactoredDecPOMDPDiscrete.

Because a factored Dec-POMDP can also be accessed as a regular Dec-POMDP (i.e., by indexing 'flat' states), this interface also derives from DecPOMDPDiscreteInterface (which defines the get/set-reward functions for a regular (non-factored) discrete Dec-POMDP).

The `LRFs' in this code refer to edges of the graph constructed from the factored immediate reward function. (i.e., each `edge' corresponds to a local reward function)

a `flat state' - a state s=<x_1...x_nrFactors> (which specifies a value for each state factor).

a `full joint action' - a joint action that specifies an action for each individual agent.

a `joint/group action' - an action for a subset of agents.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

virtual FactoredDecPOMDPDiscreteInterface::~FactoredDecPOMDPDiscreteInterface ( )

(default) Constructor

Destructor.Can't make a virt.destr. pure abstract!

Member Function Documentation

virtual FactoredDecPOMDPDiscreteInterface* FactoredDecPOMDPDiscreteInterface::Clone ( ) const
pure virtual
virtual const Scope& FactoredDecPOMDPDiscreteInterface::GetAgentScopeForLRF ( Index  LRF) const
pure virtual

Get all the agents in the scope of an LRF.

Implemented in FactoredDecPOMDPDiscrete.

virtual const FactoredQFunctionScopeForStage FactoredDecPOMDPDiscreteInterface::GetImmediateRewardScopes ( ) const
pure virtual

Returns all scopes of the immediate reward function in one object.

Implemented in FactoredDecPOMDPDiscrete.

virtual RewardModel* FactoredDecPOMDPDiscreteInterface::GetLRF ( Index  LRF) const
pure virtual

Returns a pointer to the LRF-th reward model component.

Implemented in FactoredDecPOMDPDiscrete.

virtual double FactoredDecPOMDPDiscreteInterface::GetLRFReward ( Index  LRF,
Index  s_e,
Index  ja_e 
) const
pure virtual

Returns reward for LRF, given ja_e - the joint index for a group action for the subset of agents as specified by the agent scope of LRF.

s_e - the (joint) index of the subset of factors specified by the state factor scope of LRF.

For instance, let the agents scope of LRF be <1,3>, then group action <3,5> means that agent 1 select action 3, while agent 3 performs its 5th action. Using indextools we can find agSc_jaI. E.g. agSc_jaI = IndividualToJointIndices( <3,5>, <6,6> ) (where <6,6> is a vector which specifies the number of actions per agent, see IndexTools.h for more info).

Implemented in FactoredDecPOMDPDiscrete.

Referenced by FactoredQLastTimeStepOrElse::GetLocalQValue().

virtual double FactoredDecPOMDPDiscreteInterface::GetLRFReward ( Index  LRF,
const std::vector< Index > &  sI_e,
const std::vector< Index > &  jaI_e 
) const
pure virtual

Implemented in FactoredDecPOMDPDiscrete.

virtual double FactoredDecPOMDPDiscreteInterface::GetLRFRewardFlat ( Index  LRF,
Index  flat_s,
Index  full_ja 
) const
pure virtual

might be necessary? Returns reward for LRF, given a flat state index, and a full joint action.

Implemented in FactoredDecPOMDPDiscrete.

virtual size_t FactoredDecPOMDPDiscreteInterface::GetNrLRFs ( ) const
pure virtual

Get the number of LRFs in the factored representation.

Implemented in FactoredDecPOMDPDiscrete.

Referenced by FactoredQLastTimeStepOrElse::Initialize().

virtual double FactoredDecPOMDPDiscreteInterface::GetReward ( const std::vector< Index > &  sIs,
const std::vector< Index > &  aIs 
) const
pure virtual
virtual const Scope& FactoredDecPOMDPDiscreteInterface::GetStateFactorScopeForLRF ( Index  LRF) const
pure virtual

Get all the state factors in the scope of an LRF.

Implemented in FactoredDecPOMDPDiscrete.

Referenced by FactoredQLastTimeStepOrElse::GetStateFactorScopeForLQF().

virtual void FactoredDecPOMDPDiscreteInterface::Print ( ) const
pure virtual

Implemented in FactoredDecPOMDPDiscrete.

virtual Index FactoredDecPOMDPDiscreteInterface::RestrictedActionVectorToJointIndex ( Index  LRF,
const std::vector< Index > &  actionVec_e 
) const
pure virtual

convert an action vector of restricted scope to a joint index a_e.

This is a convenience function that performs indiv->joint action index conversion for a specific edge e (LRF). (i.e., this function is typically called when requesting the immediate reward)

  • actionVec_e is an assignment of all actions in the agent scope scope of e.
  • the funtion returns a joint (group) index a_e.

Implemented in FactoredDecPOMDPDiscrete.

virtual Index FactoredDecPOMDPDiscreteInterface::RestrictedStateVectorToJointIndex ( Index  LRF,
const std::vector< Index > &  stateVec_e 
) const
pure virtual

Get the vector of Factor indices corresponding to stateI.

convert a state vector of restricted scope to a joint index s_e.

This is a convenience function that performs indiv->joint state index conversion for a specific edge e (LRF).

  • stateVec_e is an assignment of all state factors in the state factor scope of e.
  • the funtion returns a joint (group) index s_e.

Implemented in FactoredDecPOMDPDiscrete.

Referenced by FactoredQLastTimeStepOrElse::GetLocalQValue().

virtual std::string FactoredDecPOMDPDiscreteInterface::SoftPrint ( ) const
pure virtual