Publications• Sorted by Date • Classified by Publication Type • Classified by Research Category • Coordinated Deep Reinforcement Learners for Traffic Light ControlElise Van der Pol and Frans A. Oliehoek. Coordinated Deep Reinforcement Learners for Traffic Light Control. In NIPS'16 Workshop on Learning, Inference and Control of Multi-Agent Systems, December 2016. DownloadAbstract(unavailable) BibTeX Entry@inproceedings{VanDerPol16LICMAS, title = {Coordinated Deep Reinforcement Learners for Traffic Light Control}, correctAuthor = {{\noopsort{Pol}van der Pol}, Elise and Oliehoek, Frans A. }, author = {Van der Pol, Elise and Oliehoek, Frans A. }, year = 2016, month = dec, booktitle = {NIPS'16 Workshop on Learning, Inference and Control of Multi-Agent Systems}, keywords = {workshop}, url = {}, }
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