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Multi-Objective Variable Elimination for Collaborative Graphical Games

Diederik M. Roijers, Shimon Whiteson, and Frans A. Oliehoek. Multi-Objective Variable Elimination for Collaborative Graphical Games. In Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS), pp. 1209–1210, 2013.
Extended Abstract


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In this paper we propose <i>multi-objective variable elimination</i> (MOVE), an efficient solution method for <i>multi-objective collaborative graphical games</i> (MO-CoGGs), that exploits loose couplings. MOVE computes the convex coverage set, which can be much smaller than the Pareto front. In an empirical study, we show that MOVE can tackle multi-objective problems much faster than methods that do not exploit loose couplings.

BibTeX Entry

    author    = {Diederik M. Roijers and
                 Shimon Whiteson and
                 Frans A. Oliehoek},
    title =     {Multi-Objective Variable Elimination for
                 Collaborative Graphical Games},
    booktitle = AAMAS13,
    year      = {2013},
    wwwnote =      {Extended Abstract},    
    pages =     {1209--1210},
    url =       {},
    abstract =  {
    In this paper we propose \emph{multi-objective variable elimination}
    (MOVE), an efficient solution method for \emph{multi-objective
    collaborative graphical games} (MO-CoGGs), that exploits loose
    couplings. MOVE computes the convex coverage set, which can be
    much smaller than the Pareto front.  In an empirical study, we
    show that MOVE can tackle multi-objective problems much faster
    than methods that do not exploit loose couplings.

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