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Dec-POMDPs and extensive form games: equivalence of models and algorithms

Frans A. Oliehoek and Nikos Vlassis. Dec-POMDPs and extensive form games: equivalence of models and algorithms. IAS technical report IAS-UVA-06-02, Intelligent Systems Lab, University of Amsterdam, 2006.


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In this report we relate different methods for Dec-POMDPs and, more general, POSGs and extensive form games. In particular we show that every POSG can be modeled as an extensive form game. We discuss how one can directly calculate best-response policy in such extensive form games and relate this to existing methods for Dec-POMDPs.

BibTeX Entry

  author =      {Frans A. Oliehoek and Nikos Vlassis},
  title =       {Dec-{POMDP}s and extensive form games: equivalence of 
                models and algorithms},
  institution = {Intelligent Systems Lab, University of Amsterdam},
  type =        {IAS technical report},
  number =      {IAS-UVA-06-02},
  address =     {Amsterdam, The Netherlands},
  month =       Apr,
  year =        2006,
  note =        {},
  keywords =      {nonrefereed, techrep},
  abstract = 	 {
 In this report we relate different methods for Dec-POMDPs and, more 
 general, POSGs and extensive form games. In particular we show that 
 every POSG can be modeled as an extensive form game. We discuss how 
 one can directly calculate best-response policy in such extensive 
 form games and relate this to existing methods for Dec-POMDPs.}

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