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A Hierarchical Model for Decentralized Fighting of Large Scale Urban Fires

Frans A. Oliehoek and Arnoud Visser. A Hierarchical Model for Decentralized Fighting of Large Scale Urban Fires. In Proceedings of the AAMAS Workshop on Hierarchical Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, pp. 14–21, May 2006.


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In this article we present a hierarchical model for planning and coordinating firefighting in situations such as RoboCup Rescue, where an urban earthquake is simulated. We show that a hierarchical approach brings leverage to the planning process. By using formal decision theoretic models, we also present a more formal analysis of the RoboCup Rescue domain. Finally we discuss how our model could be applied and treat further abstractions that may be necessary.

BibTeX Entry

    author =       {Frans A. Oliehoek and Arnoud Visser},
    title =        {A Hierarchical Model for Decentralized Fighting 
                    of Large Scale Urban Fires},
    booktitle =    {Proceedings of the AAMAS Workshop on Hierarchical Autonomous 
                    Agents and Multi-Agent Systems},
    month =        may,
    year =         2006,
    pages =        {14--21},
    keywords =  {workshop},
    abstract = 	 {
    In this article we present a hierarchical model for planning
    and coordinating firefighting in situations such as RoboCup
    Rescue, where an urban earthquake is simulated. We show
    that a hierarchical approach brings leverage to the planning
    process. By using formal decision theoretic models, we also
    present a more formal analysis of the RoboCup Rescue domain. 
    Finally we discuss how our model could be applied
    and treat further abstractions that may be necessary.}

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