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An Interactive, Web-based Tool for Genealogical Entity Resolution

Julia Efremova, Bijan Ranjbar-Sahraei, Frans A. Oliehoek, Toon Calders, and Karl Tuyls. An Interactive, Web-based Tool for Genealogical Entity Resolution. In Proceedings of the 25th Belgian-Dutch Conference on Artificial Intelligence (BNAIC), pp. 376–377, 2013. Demo-track.


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BibTeX Entry

    author    = {Julia Efremova and
	        Bijan Ranjbar-Sahraei and
                Frans A. Oliehoek and
                Toon Calders and
                Karl Tuyls},
    title =     {An Interactive, Web-based Tool for Genealogical Entity Resolution},
    booktitle = BNAIC13,
    year      = {2013},
    pages =     {376--377},
    note =      {Demo-track.},    
    url =       {},

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