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Learning What to Attend to: Using Bisimulation Metrics to Explore and Improve Upon What a Deep Reinforcement Learning Agent Learns

Nele Albers, Miguel Suau, and Frans A. Oliehoek. Learning What to Attend to: Using Bisimulation Metrics to Explore and Improve Upon What a Deep Reinforcement Learning Agent Learns. In Proceedings of the 32nd Benelux Conference on Artificial Intelligence (BNAIC) and the 29th Belgian Dutch Conference on Machine Learning (Benelearn), November 2020.


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BibTeX Entry

    author=     {Albers, Nele
                and Suau, Miguel
                and Oliehoek, Frans A.},
    title =     {Learning What to Attend to: Using Bisimulation Metrics to Explore and Improve Upon What a Deep Reinforcement Learning Agent Learns},
    booktitle = BNAICBenelearn20,
    year =      2020,
    month =     nov,
    keywords =   {refereed},

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