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Video Demo: Deep Reinforcement Learning for Coordination in Traffic Light Control

Elise Van der Pol and Frans A. Oliehoek. Video Demo: Deep Reinforcement Learning for Coordination in Traffic Light Control. In Proceedings of the 28th Belgian-Dutch Conference on Artificial Intelligence (BNAIC), November 2016.
See video at


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This video demonstration contrasts two approaches to coordination in traffic light control using reinforcement learning: earlier work, based on a deconstruction of the state space into a linear combination of vehicle states, and our own approach based on the Deep Q-learning algorithm.

BibTeX Entry

    title =     {Video Demo: Deep Reinforcement Learning for Coordination in Traffic Light Control},
    author =    {Van der Pol, Elise and
                 Oliehoek, Frans A. },
    year =      2016,
    booktitle = BNAIC16,
    month =     nov,
    url =       {},
    wwwnote =   {See video at <a href=""></a>.},
    url =       {},
    abstract =  {
    This video demonstration contrasts two approaches to coordination in
    traffic light control using reinforcement learning: earlier work,
    based on a deconstruction of the state space into a linear combination
    of vehicle states, and our own approach based on the Deep
    Q-learning algorithm. 

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